This is a blog about my project which centers around Collectivisim and Individuality. Join me as I explore the concept and try express it in my own creative way.
27 August 2015

In a place of waiting.

So it's a month to go before hand in. I've made 30+ paintings, found a printing house and purchased a digital photo frame. Of course this was all after wallowing in my own self pitty for a good 2 weeks.

Workshop 2 didn't go so well but that's okay. Crit is only there to improve our work. The only problem I have now is that I've hit a wall as I await feedback from the lecturers on my project essay. Maybe it's fear of making mistakes or a fear of being on the wrong path again, but what ever it is, it isn't good.

Doing nothing in a place of waiting surely must be the main ingredient for failure at this stage of ones studies.

So I'm officially dusting myself off and getting my act together. Time to finish this on a high, with or without the feedback.

←Post Crit Thoughts I did it, it's done... →